Matraca | Arizona
Arizona mom Matraca shares her family's experience with homeschooling after her son was diagnosed with epilepsy and autism. Traditional schooling couldn't accommodate his needs, so she turned to Abeka, which allowed her to tailor his education and encourage him to thrive.
Our homeschooling journey began unexpectedly. When our son Oliver was two years old, he was diagnosed with epilepsy, and our lives took an immediate turn.
His first seizure occurred when he was just four months old, but his doctor initially dismissed it as breath-holding spells. After his epilepsy diagnosis, we sought genetic testing to understand the cause, and it revealed something we hadn’t anticipated: a genetic mutation known as KCNNB1. This mutation not only explained his epilepsy but also came with a 75% chance of autism. Initially, I didn't think Oliver showed signs of autism, but as time went on, certain behaviors emerged, and eventually, the autism diagnosis followed.
Though epilepsy has shaped part of Oliver’s life, his seizures are well-managed with medication. His biggest challenge, however, has been navigating life with autism, especially within the public school system. Oliver was placed in a special needs class, but it soon became clear that this environment wasn’t suitable for him.
He was verbal and progressing much faster than his peers, yet the school couldn’t offer the flexibility to place him in a mainstream class with an individualized education plan (IEP). We even explored private schooling options, but due to his diagnosis, he was denied entry. It was then that we decided to homeschool.
Homeschooling felt like the right choice for Oliver. He wasn’t thriving in a traditional classroom, so we pulled him out and began with a simple preschool curriculum. He loved it. He loved being home, having me as his teacher, and learning at his own pace. The following year, we started using Abeka, which I was already familiar with from helping my oldest son, Mason, during his time in private school.
Abeka proved to be a perfect fit for Oliver. He began reading at just four years old, which amazed us. Watching him flourish in a homeschool environment—witnessing his milestones firsthand—has been one of the best experiences for me as a mother.
Once he saw Oliver thriving with homeschooling, Mason begged us to take him out of school, so we did. Our approach to homeschooling is a mix of methods tailored to each child's unique needs. Oliver, being younger and on the autism spectrum, requires more one-on-one attention, while Mason, at ten and in fifth grade, is more independent.
I’ve learned that homeschooling isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Every child learns differently, and as a homeschooling parent, I have the flexibility to adapt their education to suit their individual strengths and weaknesses.
For Oliver, routine is key. He thrives on consistency, and having used the same curriculum for two years, he feels confident and comfortable. The Abeka videos have also been a great tool, giving me the opportunity to take a step back and focus on our daughter while Oliver enjoys interactive lessons.
When people find out that I homeschool, the first question they often ask is about socialization. “How will your kids make friends? Won’t Oliver become more introverted?” These are common misconceptions rooted in outdated views of homeschooling.
The reality is that homeschooling today offers so many opportunities for social interaction through co-ops, sports, clubs, and other activities. The homeschool community has grown exponentially, and with it, the resources and opportunities available to children.
I used to worry about whether homeschooling would limit my children’s future options—whether they’d be able to attend college, play sports, or pursue their dreams. However, after researching, I discovered that homeschooled children often perform better academically than their peers in public or private schools. Colleges even actively seek out homeschoolers because they tend to be self-motivated, independent learners. My husband and I, both college graduates, value higher education, but we also understand that our children may choose different paths, like starting their own businesses or attending trade schools, and that’s okay.
For any family considering homeschooling, know that it’s a journey filled with challenges, but also immense rewards. And in today’s world, the opportunities for homeschoolers are endless. We’re confident our children will succeed because they’ve been given the time, attention, and support to thrive in whatever path they take.
Our goals for homeschooling this year are simple: to continue on the path that’s working so well. I want to see Oliver develop a love for reading, just as Mason has. It’s incredibly fulfilling to watch my children wake up eager to learn each day. Being at the forefront of their education to witness their growth and foster their sense of pride in their accomplishments has been the best.
Homeschooling has exceeded our expectations by allowing us to meet the unique challenges posed by learning disabilities. With Abeka, we’ve tailored Oliver’s education to his needs and given him both the structure and flexibility he needs to thrive.
For any family facing similar challenges, homeschooling offers the opportunity to create a supportive environment where children feel empowered to overcome whatever hurdles they face.
Our experience has shown us that with the right tools, resources, and approach, every child—regardless of their learning challenges—can reach their full potential and succeed in ways we once thought impossible.
Watch Matraca talk about her family and their homeschooling journey.